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Peace Week 2021


start with hello

October 18th-22nd

Monday: Start with Hello! Role play walking up to someone and saying “Hello!” Start a conversation with a classmate and see what you have in common!

Tuesday: Take Time Out for Peace - Take at least a 5 minute break to sit and relax for a peaceful moment - remember to focus on your breathing

Wednesday: Win / Win Wednesday - Practice the 6 steps to the Win/Win Conflict Resolution - learn to resolve conflicts peacefully.

Thursday: Think, Feel, and Be Thankful Thursday - Talk about your thoughts and feelings of peace and gratitude - take a moment to think about who and what you are thankful for and why. Did you know that thoughts and feelings of gratitude can help one find inner peace?

Friday: Peace Wear!Wear your favorite peace symbol clothes and accessories! Don’t have peace wear? Just wear white for peace! 

Other activities happening this week:

Peace Pledge-We will say it each day during Morning Announcements.      

Chalk 4 PEACE- During recess encourage students to draw peace signs or write peace messages on the black top only!!

Human Bingo- Students will make connections with peers by participating in a classroom bingo game. Click here for the game.

Peace Signs-  Decorate, draw and/or write on a peace sign and display.

High Five: Students trace their hand on a piece of paper. Around the hand they write or draw five ways to connect with others. Click here for the page.