About Us
About Us
McGalliard Elementary School is located at 1600 Arena Drive in Hamilton Township. We pride ourselves in being located in Hamilton Township School District which is the 2007 District of Character in New Jersey. Our present enrollment is 260 students. Our school is committed to meeting the needs of all of our students. As a staff, we believe all children can learn, and we work hard to see students meet success. We value each child as an individual, with unique qualities that makes each his/her own person. We build on each child’s strengths and recognize areas of weakness. Our entire school community helps to provide a positive, nurturing environment conducive to learning. Our dedicated staff meets the needs of students academically, socially and emotionally.
Our goal is to help each child be the best he can be and become a caring, responsible citizen in the community. We practice the Six Pillars of Character: Respect, Caring, Responsibility, Fairness, Citizenship, and Trustworthiness in all of our activities. The lyrics of our McGalliard Proud song guide our actions throughout the day. Service Learning activities help our students to do for others and help others and to feel good about themselves as well.
Our school community, teachers, students and parents work together collaboratively to help our students succeed. Our PTA is involved in all aspects of our school program. Parents volunteer to help in class, prepare our school newsletter, and help with other holiday class activities.
We continue to grow as a staff, school and community. McGalliard school community makes a difference for our children.